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Lipozene markets itself as a supplement to “lose pure body fat”. But does it actually help? And how does it compare to other similar weight loss supplements?
Let’s comprehensively review Lipozene for weight loss to see if it’s worth your money, see if we can replicate it with a cheaper alternative, and give it an overall rating.
How Lipozene works
The only active ingredient in Lipozene is konjac fiber, a commonly used soluble fiber supplement.
Soluble fibers like Lipozene can help with weight loss by bulking out in the stomach when mixed with liquid, and by filling your stomach up, without significantly adding more calories to your diet.
Konjac fiber supplements are often used in weight loss supplements because as a fiber, it tends to absorb more water, and become thicker and bulkier than other fibers. This helps it to delay gastric emptying and essentially makes it more difficult for you to eat too quickly, and too much.
Comparing Lipozene
Lipozene vs Hydroxycut
Some people wonder how Lipozene might compare to weight loss supplements like Hydroxycut.
This is like comparing which tastes better, apples or oranges? Some people just like the taste of apples better, and some people enjoy the taste of oranges more.
It can be difficult to compare two very different fruits, and it would be easier to compare the taste of say different types of apples.
Similarly, both Lipozene and Hydroxycut are supposed to do very different things in the body. Some people just prefer one supplement over another, and you can’t really compare the two.
So you need to compare Lipozene to another supplement that does something similar, like another soluble fiber supplement.
Lipozene vs psyllium husk vs glucomannan
Now there are other soluble fiber supplements that are comparable or even better than Lipozene to help bulk out the stomach.

Psyllium husk is another popular bulking agent to help manage appetite and is found in products like Colon Broom and Metamucil, but is found most cost efficiently as generic psyllium husk powder in bulk.
It doesn’t hold quite as much water, but is also more gentle on the digestive system, making it less likely to cause GI issues like constipation or gas.
Konjac fiber comes in a few different forms. Lipozene contains regular konjac fiber, which is one of the most unrefined forms of this particular soluble fiber.
Glucomannan is another form of konjac fiber that’s much more refined, and retains more of the bulking and thickening properties of konjac fiber.
This makes glucomannan slightly better suited towards appetite control than regular konjac fiber supplements, like Lipozene.
Additionally, glucomannan can be purchased at a much cheaper cost than Lipozene if you source a bulk generic form.
However, the downside to bulkier and thicker soluble fibers is that it tends to cause more gastrointestinal side effects, like becoming constipated, especially if you don’t drink enough water with it.
Lipozene Side Effects and Concerns
That being said, most soluble fibers are relatively safe to take. Make sure you follow the instructions on the bottle, and have it with enough water or it could constipate you worse.
Lipozene, and konjac fiber in general, is highly fermentable in the gut, meaning that your gut bacteria could end up breaking it down, sometimes resulting in minor gastrointestinal upsets like gas, bloating, or mild abdominal pain.
Gastrointestinal obstructions and blockages are rare, but possible in certain people who have medical issues that put them at risk of an obstruction. So if you had an abdominal surgery or crohn’s disease, make sure you check with your doctor before you try taking any soluble fiber supplement.
Is Lipozene effective?
Soluble fiber supplements like Lipozene are typically taken before a meal, mainly to help reduce overeating at that meal.
It’s not doing anything for body fat, and it’s only going to help if you’re already reducing your food intake, and need something to make your stomach feel fuller on less food.
It’s not going to help if you’re not controlling your diet already, tend to snack too often, or tend to stress or binge eat.
Even if it does help, don’t expect miracles.
Up to date research on soluble fibers suggest it can help with improving things related to obesity, like cholesterol or blood sugar level, but don’t really show any significant weight differences.
This means that soluble fiber supplements are mostly supportive of weight loss, but likely don’t cause any weight loss themselves. Again, this should drive home the point that you need to be managing your diet already for soluble fibers to help.
Overall, Lipozene is essentially an extremely overpriced konjac fiber supplement. It’ll work basically the same as any other konjac fiber.
Overall review: Lipozene

Reviewing Lipozene by effectiveness for weight loss, I’m giving it a C. Like any soluble fiber, it works to help manage hunger, and taking it without already reducing your food intake is not likely going to have any effects on weight whatsoever.
Reviewing Lipozene by cost, I’m giving it an F. A monthly cost of $90 for konjac fiber is way too expensive, especially since you can get more refined glucomannan, or even brand name PGX for far less.
Reviewing Lipozene for safety, I’m giving it a B. Konjac fiber is relatively safe to use, provided you have it with enough water.
Overall review, I’m giving Lipozene a D. I would not recommend it at all.
Top alternatives to Lipozene
If you’re looking to achieve similar effects, but better than those of Lipozene, I would use another quality soluble fiber.
- Flaxseed (ground) – 1 to 3 tsp w/ meals
- Flaxseed (whole) – 1 to 3 tsp w/ meals
- Glucomannan (caps) – 1 to 3 caps w/ meals
- Glucomannan (PGX caps) – 1 to 3 caps w/ meals
- Glucomannan (PGX powder) – 0.5 to 1 scoop w/ meals
- Glucomannan (powder) – 0.25 to 1 tsp w/ meals
- Inulin – 1 to 3 tsp w/ meals
- Psyllium husk (caps) – 3 to 12 caps w/ meals
- Psyllium husk (Metamucil) – 1 scoop w/ meals
- Psyllium husk (powder) – 1 to 3 tsp w/ meals
Learn more about
- Glucomannan For Weight Loss
- Dietary fiber: an overview
- 6 Things To Look For On Supplements
- 5 Things to Know Before Buying Weight Loss Supplements
- Other weight loss supplements
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See also
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- Doctor Reviews: BiomaBioma and other generic probiotics may support general gut health but lack specific, research-backed benefits for weight loss.