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Unlock the secrets to a healthy mind and body, and vibrant lifestyle through holistic health, nutrition, and lifestyle tips.

Heavy metals: an overview

    The most common heavy metals that negatively impact human health are lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, and chromium.

    IgG Food Sensitivity Testing

      IgG food sensitivity testing lacks good scientific evidence to support its accuracy and clinical utility, often leading to false positives.

      Low FODMAP Diet: an overview

        The low FODMAP diet aims to reduce certain types of carbs that can cause bloating and gas. It can sometimes help reduce symptoms of IBS.

        How To Eat Mindfully

          Mindful eating involves paying attention to the food you are eating, your body’s hunger cues, and your thoughts and emotions related to food.

          Healthy Snacking

            Knowing when to snack is as important as knowing what to snack on. Proper snacking can be beneficial to your weight and health.

            Emotional Eating and How to Stop It

              Emotional eating is the habit of using food to cope with emotional distress rather than to satisfy physical hunger. It can cause weight gain.

              Ozempic and Thyroid Cancer

                Newer GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic and Wegovy may increase thyroid cancer risks significantly more than what the current evidence shows.

                24 Tips to eat slowly

                  Eating slowly can help you feel fuller and more satisfied, which can prevent you from overeating and potentially help with weight loss.