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A patient of mine brought to my attention that there’s a drink that people are calling enzyme coffee, which is supposed to help you lose weight.
But what is this “enzyme” they’re talking about? And how does it work, if it does at all?
Let’s take a look at enzyme coffee for weight loss.
What is enzyme coffee?
Firstly, the term “enzyme coffee” is completely meaningless. An enzyme is a broad term for a protein that helps speed up chemical reactions in the body.
There are well over a 1000 different enzymes in the body that do everything from breakdown food to build muscle.
So which one is it?
It’s like selling something just called “flavored coffee”. Ok great to know that it’s flavored, but what flavor is it?
A Google search into this product yields something that goes by the name of Enzyme Coffee or Bulletproof Enzyme Coffee, and right away, you gotta love their product page.
It’s sold on a website that sells TikTok jewelry. So you know any health products sold here must be reputable.
Nowhere on the product page does it tell us what this magical enzyme is.
So for fun, I’m going to try to deduce what it could possibly be based entirely on the sketchy descriptions given to us on the website.
What is the “enzyme”?
Let’s start by taking a look at their description of enzyme coffee:
“Enzyme coffee contains an essential coenzyme of fat metabolism, which can promote the oxidative decomposition of fatty acids into mitochondria, and is the carrier of fatty acids transport.”
So our first clue is that it’s supposed to be a coenzyme involved with fat metabolism, specifically related to the transport of fats in and out of the mitochondria.
One that comes to mind right away is L-carnitine, which is indeed involved in the transport of fats in and out of the mitochondria.
As a side note, I’m not a biochemist, and my biochemistry is real rusty. So if your biochemistry is up to par, feel free to correct me in the comments down below. Let’s keep going.
“… oxidation of fatty acids, amino acids, and glucose, can pass through the cell membrane in the form of acetylcarnitine, so it has the function of promoting the oxidation of three major energy nutrients in the body.”
So now they’re claiming it’s a coenzyme involved in the transport of fats, amino acids, and glucose. Not just fats. Unfortunately L-carnitine is involved only in the transportation of fats.
But we do have another enzyme that is involved in the transport of all three, Coenzyme A, which is derived from Vitamin B5.
If we go further down, we find more:
“It is a high-quality vitamin purified from breast milk”
Ok, so now they’re saying it’s a vitamin.
There are three vitamins that come to mind that are involved in fat metabolism:
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
- Vitamin B3 (niacin)
- Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
And because L-carnitine is not really a vitamin, it’s starting to look like one of the other vitamins.
Also breast milk contains all of the aforementioned nutrients so that piece of information is completely useless.
So based on the entire description, the secret ingredient they might be referring to could be any one of the B vitamins, or possibly L-carnitine, with perhaps vitamin B5 fitting the description the best.
But what do I really think the secret “enzyme” is? Probably nothing. My guess is that it’s just overpriced instant coffee marketed for weight loss.
Their description of this product is so inconsistent and vague, it sounds like it was written to pack in a number of random buzzwords, rather than accurately describe a product.
It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as a whole, and honestly looks like whoever wrote this just copied and pasted a number of biochemistry keywords from a Wikipedia article describing fat oxidation, then strung them together into a sentence.
Can it help with weight loss?
For some people, drinking any type of regular coffee might help in their weight loss, by improving their energy for exercise or by helping to suppress their cravings between meals. You can check out our article on using coffee for weight loss in the description below.
There’s nothing special about enzyme coffee. Even if they did add some B vitamins inside, you could replicate that far more reliability and cheaper by simply taking a good quality B complex supplement with your morning coffee.
If you found that mixing coffee with something else was helpful for your weight loss, then keep it up!
Perhaps mixing something in helped you to drink more coffee and eat less.
Maybe you were actually deficient in vitamin C, and adding lemon to your coffee helped perk you up enough to exercise more.
There’s no need to buy a special “weight loss” coffee off some sketchy website. You’ll do just fine getting regular coffee from a reputable vendor, and mixing whatever you like into it.
Top alternatives to Enzyme coffee
If you’re looking to achieve similar effects, but better than those of enzyme coffee, I would combine a quality green tea or green coffee extract + caffeine.
- Caffeine anhydrous – 1 cap / day
- Green coffee (caps) – 1 to 2 caps / day
- Green tea (caps) – 2 to 4 caps / day
- Green tea (teabags, decaf) – 1 to 4 cups / day
- Green tea (teabags) – 1 to 4 cups / day
Learn more about
- Is Coffee Good For Weight Loss?
- Green Coffee Bean For Weight Loss
- Green Tea For Weight Loss
- 6 Things To Look For On Supplements
- 5 Things to Know Before Buying Weight Loss Supplements
Coenzyme A. (Feb 2, 2022).
Enzyme Cofactors and Vitamins. (2021, November 4).
Fidanza A, Audisio M. Vitamins and lipid metabolism. Acta Vitaminol Enzymol. 1982;4(1-2):105-114.
Longo N, Frigeni M, Pasquali M. Carnitine transport and fatty acid oxidation. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2016;1863(10):2422-2435. doi:10.1016/j.bbamcr.2016.01.023
Natasha Fillmore, Osama Abo Alrob and Gary D. Lopaschuk. The authors are from Cardiovascular Research Centre, Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. DOI: 10.21748/lipidlibrary.39187
TikTok Tuesday: Coffee with a breast milk enzyme?
“DHHC enzymes” by National Institutes of Health (NIH) is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
“Enzymes and Radiation Resistance” by EMSL is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
“Enzyme repairing DNA” by National Institutes of Health (NIH) is licensed under . To view a copy of this license, visit undefined?ref=openverse&atype=rich
“Methane-digesting enzyme” by Argonne National Laboratory is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
See also
- Doctor Reviews: URO Vaginal ProbioticURO Vaginal Probiotics is taken by mouth, but it’s far less effective for vaginal health than vaginal suppository probiotics.
- Doctor Reviews: MCT WellnessLike other MCT C8 oils and even coconut oil, MCT Wellness can give you a quick energy boost and may have a small impact on fat metabolism.
- Doctor Reviews: Mounja BurnMounja Burn appears to be a repackaged, ineffective tonic for varicose veins, now marketed as a worthless weight loss supplement.
- Doctor Reviews: MitolynMitolyn’s claims about mitochondria and weight loss are misleading—there’s no evidence this supplement works at all.
- Doctor Reviews: BiomaBioma and other generic probiotics may support general gut health but lack specific, research-backed benefits for weight loss.
How can me and my family get the product. We need to loss badly said our doctor because our health.
Please help!
I placed an order for this coffee, like the overweight , easily conned woman that l am almost ashamed to admit that I am. I paid $159.95 for a 3 month supply of this easy to use weight loss coffee and the handbook that explains the procedure to use while you are on the diet. I ordered it on August 24th and still have not received anything from them. Please 🌹 if you know anything about them, I would love to hear from you.
I will by like to know more about of this coffe and to know is wear to buy and or to recibe a small bag to get and used how to used seme like eny coffe breckfast or can’t used in the afternoon
I need a picture or a website to know what type of fat low enzyme look like
I knew it. I figured there was something off about this product. I’m glad I checked for clarification about it. Thank you. 😊
Thank you. While I do not possess a degree in biology or chemistry, I did pass all of my h.s and college classes. Writing is my gift and as I read the copy on the IG page that promotes this crap, I knew it was a bunch of bull. I copied and was ready to paste the description into Google when I found your article. I knew I wasn’t crazy. Thank you. Lol
Same here. I’ve been a healthcare journalist for decades, and the minute I read the description, I knew that whoever wrote it didn’t know what the heck they were talking about. I appreciate you coming on here and sharing your knowledge. I hope it helps prevent people who are smart enough to research things from being scammed.
Very well written and thought out well I enjoyed it very much. I do feel like getting a cup of coffee, but will be Nescafe for pleasure not dreams of a shortcut
Thank you for writing the article
Thank you. While I do not possess a degree in biology or chemistry, I did pass all of my h.s and college classes. Writing is my gift and as I read the copy on the IG page that promotes this crap, I knew it was a bunch of bull. I copied and was ready to paste the description into Google when I found your article. I knew I wasn’t crazy. Thank you. Lol
Thank you for the article. It was too good and easy to be true for me.
This was very helpful! I was skeptical so I googled it and found this article! I agree, there is a cheaper way to do this, they want like $85 for some coffee! Nope! Too easy my friends; you have to work for what you want!!! That guy in the video probably ain’t even a doctor ! If it was this easy we’d all drink coffee instead of surgeries and boot camps 🤷🏽♀️!! Kudos to the Author for the truth!!! ✌🏾❤️
Who is the “Dr. Wheet” in the ads? He looks American, but his speech & writing are not translatable. The language and sentence structure are foreign. Anybody can buy a pair of scrubs.
I’m in South Africa. Where can I get the coffee
The man literally wrote a whole article showing you that this thing is BS and just expensive instant coffee and you ask where you can buy it? What the actual F?? You can’t be serious asking where you can buy it? 😳
🤣🤣🤣🤣 and look… they r still asking where🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes yes he actually is in the actual F asking where he can buy it. That WAS the actual F question. Hahaha! YOUR response however? Classic! ❤️
Will you please say it again Armen cause I don’t think they read anything that was said. SMH…please say it one more and again but put it in ALL CAPS…people seems to amaze me…WOW 🤔
Instant coffee at your local store. Add lemon juice and take a B complex vitamin.
How can I get this enzyme coffee am in uganda
Go to the Uganda corner store Kwik Mart?! TF you asking us for? Are we in mfk’ng U.G.A.N.D.A? wait wait stupid phone is ringing again! Nevermind it was UGana call again?!!
Thanks but bummer I thought i could loose weight miraculously
Tik tok has commercial with a Dr. Pushing this coffee. I am doing my research first. It’s extremely expensive and truth be known, I am accepting the article here as viable evidence against it.
Just FYI, the “doctor“ you see in the TikTok ads for the cop he is actually a mechanic who does another Tic Tok, showing his mechanic shortcuts!!
And what? Doctors can’t be friends with cops or even, WHAT YOU SAY?! cannot simply cannot ALSO be a mechanic, even as a side hobby?
🤣 Good catch trying though cuz it IS all 🐂 💩