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Dr. Brian’s Blog

GLP-1 Drugs and Suicidal Thoughts

    The current evidence suggests that GLP-1 agonists do not cause suicidal thoughts. In fact, they may actually be beneficial for depression.

    Doctor reviews: Liv Pure

      Liv Pure falsely claims that liver function is the root cause of belly fat. It’s not true, and Liv Pure doesn’t even do much for the liver.

      Paleo diet: an overview

        The paleo diet replicates our ancestors diet with wild game, fish, fruits, vegetables, and nuts, while avoiding dairy, grains, and legumes.

        white tablets on petri dish

        Semaglutide vs Danuglipron

          Pfizer’s danuglipron may give Ozempic a run for its money, however has not proven itself to be as effective as Wegovy for weight loss.

          yoyo dieting

          When Does Ozempic Stop Working?

            Research shows that Ozempic and Wegovy aid in weight loss for about a year. However, despite continued usage, weight regain is common.

            How To Eat Mindfully

              Mindful eating involves paying attention to the food you are eating, your body’s hunger cues, and your thoughts and emotions related to food.

              Ozempic: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

                Using low-fat diets or consuming too many sweet foods can potentially reduce the effectiveness of Ozempic or Wegovy.

                Berberine vs Ozempic

                  Berberine doesn’t share any similarities with Ozempic, except for the fact that it can moderately help with blood sugar control.

                  Beware of knock-off Ozempic

                    The shortage of Ozempic has led to many compounding pharmacies using a knock-off version of semaglutide that has not been FDA approved.

                    Gastric Balloon Diet Plan

                      Once you have a gastric balloon, properly transitioning from liquids on day 1 to 3, to solids by day 14, is key to success on your balloon.

                      The MIND Diet: an overview

                        The MIND diet is a combination of the Mediterranean and DASH diet, and is designed to improve cognition, but is also good for weight loss.